
Hover Card

For sighted users to preview content available behind a link.

Follow @radix_ui for updates.
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<Link href="" target="_blank">
<Flex gap="4">
<Avatar size="3" fallback="R" radius="full" src="" />
<Heading size="3" as="h3">
<Text as="div" size="2" color="gray">
<Text as="div" size="2" style={{ maxWidth: 300 }} mt="3">
React components, icons, and colors for building high-quality,
accessible UI.
</HoverCard.Root>{' '}
for updates.

API Reference

This component inherits props from the HoverCard primitive.


Contains all the parts of a hover card.


Wraps the link that will open the hover card.


Contains the content of the open hover card. This component is based on the div element.

Responsive<"1" | "2" | "3">



Use the size prop to control the size.

<Flex gap="4">
<Link href="#">Size one</Link>
<HoverCard.Content size="1">
<Text as="div" size="1" style={{ maxWidth: 325 }}>
<Strong>Typography</Strong> is the art and technique of arranging type
to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.
<Link href="#">Size two</Link>
<HoverCard.Content size="2">
<Text as="div" size="2" style={{ maxWidth: 350 }}>
<Strong>Typography</Strong> is the art and technique of arranging type
to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.
<Link href="#">Size three</Link>
<HoverCard.Content size="3">
<Text as="div" size="3" style={{ maxWidth: 400 }}>
<Strong>Typography</Strong> is the art and technique of arranging type
to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.

With inset content

Use the Inset component to align content flush with the sides of the hover card.

Technology revolutionized typography in the latter twentieth century.
Technology revolutionized{' '}
<Link href="#">typography</Link>
<Inset side="left" pr="current">
<img src="" alt="Bold typography" style={{ display: 'block', objectFit: 'cover', height: '100%', width: 150, backgroundColor: 'var(--gray-5)', }} />
<Text size="2" style={{ maxWidth: 250 }} as="p">
<Strong>Typography</Strong> is the art and technique of arranging type
to make written language legible, readable and appealing when
displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point
sizes, line lengths, line-spacing (leading), and letter-spacing
</HoverCard.Root>{' '}
in the latter twentieth century.